Health Tools

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Health Tools

Prakruthi Assessment

Prakruthi analysis is Ayurveda’s unique way to determine a body type of an individual. Prakruti analysis is done using a questionnaire which includes several information related to your life style.

Skin Assessment

To ensure proper care and treatment of your skin, determining your skin type is absolutely necessary. It will help you pick the correct products for your skin and also help you to provide the best care for your skin.

Health Calculators

Depression Test

Take this self-test to help figure out whether you’re showing any of the warning signs of depression. This won’t give you a diagnosis but it will help you decide the next step.

Colour blindness is the decreased ability to see colour or differences in colour. This may affect in certain occupations and also in day today activities.

Online tests have been developed to help people screen themselves for astigmatism. By looking at a series of specific images, you can potentially tell if you likely have astigmatism based on your responses.

Eye Tests


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