Fatty Liver is Completely curable with Ayurveda Medicine ???

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Fatty Liver is Completely curable with Ayurveda Medicine ???

Before knowing about fatty liver, let’s know about the liver, what is liver?
The liver is the largest organ in the body, this organ weighs between 1.2 kg and 1.5 kg. Also, the liver is located in the upper right part of the abdomen (right hypochondriac region).
The liver is an organ that helps in many metabolic functions of the body, especially protein metabolism. The production of proteins such as albumin, globulin, fibrinogen and ceruloplasmin that circulate in the blood is carried out by the liver. Likewise, the regulation of proteins in the plasma is done by the liver. The liver also helps to convert protein into amino acids and ammonia and convert ammonia into urea. Similarly, protein storage is done by the liver.
When a person is fasting, the glycogen stored in the liver is converted into glucose. The liver is also important for providing the energy needed by the body. It means that the liver helps in the metabolism of carbohydrates. Similarly, the production of lipoproteins like VLDL, HDL , which are necessary for the transport of fat in the blood, is done by the liver. Also, the production of new fats and the oxidation of fats that come to the liver are done by the liver. You may know that bile is needed for the digestion and absorption of fat in food, so the production, storage and secretion of this bile is done by the liver. Also, the  liver is important for the metabolism of bilirubin, which is necessary to deactivate the hormones and drugs in the body.

Let’s see what causes fatty liver disease. Most of the diseases are caused by the food we eat. In addition to this fatty liver condition is caused by vidahi and abhishyandi food, simply speaking, if you consume sour and spicy food regularly, it is one of the reasons. Also, obesity, diabetes, insulin resistance condition, and smoking are reasons too.  Fatty liver is caused by high cholesterol and high blood pressure, lack of sleep, lack of exercise, constant consumption of foods rich in starch and sugar, being over fifty years old, and having diseases related to your thyroid gland those may cause Fatty liver. Even if a person does not have any of these diseases, some people in the younger age group often suffer from this disease.

Although they say that they are suffering, this condition does not show any symptoms at the beginning. They come to know that this disease exists when they do screening for other illnesses most of the time.
In Ayurveda and Chinese traditional medicine, we talk about a biological clock in which the organs of our body work accordingly, so usually between 11:00 pm and 3:00 p.m., the liver functions at an optimal level, which means especially blood purification or elimination process takes place during this time. So if someone stays awake between 11 pm and 3 am, the liver has to give energy to the body  while he is awake. At that time, the body’s detoxification process does not take place, so when he or she is awake for a period of time, he or she may develop this condition called fatty liver. So, if there is fat in the liver like this, the person who sends it is at risk of developing diabetes, high blood pressure and kidney diseases. If a person with diabetes suffers from this fatty liver condition, then the risk of heart disease increases.

The condition – fatty liver develops in four stages. i.e  grade 1, 2, 3 & 4. Up to grade 3, the normal functions of the liver occur in the same manner. We can see that many people develop this disease in the body without any symptoms. But some people experience pain in the  right side of the body, loss of appetite, unimaginable loss of body weight, as well as the lifelessness of the body, inability to work as efficiently as usual, and some minor symptoms like these. So, if this condition does not show any symptoms, then someone may have a problem that how can they know whether they have this disease or not. Many people are diagnosed with this condition during screening tests for other diseases. So, if you have a problem with that, you can usually identify this condition through a liver function test. In some cases, doctors can diagnose this condition through a lipid profile test too. So, through these types of blood tests and scans, you have the ability to find out if you have this condition. If someone has this condition, Ayurveda has a successful treatment for this. In Ayurveda, the liver is known as yakrut, so there are many medicines produced under the name of yakrut in Ayurveda.. Fatty Liver is mentioned as a disease of Raktha and Kapha dosha in Ayurveda. Fatty Liver is curable with Ayurveda treatment and, to prevent this condition, it is very helpful to take certain medicines and food regularly. Also, regular exercise. If you can do self-exercise for about 20 minutes a day, this condition can be prevented. Talking about food, foods that contain antioxidants, ex :-  Indigenous rice (Suwadel, Kuruluthuda, Kahamala, Pachcha Perumal etc) , foods that are rich in vitamin C, local spices. All these are rich in antioxidants.  Similarly, foods like turmeric, green beans, and aloe vera help to cure this fatty liver condition. There is another important food group which are foods that help with liver diseases. For example, curry leaves (Murraya koenigii), yakinaran (Atalantia ceylanica), and heen bovitiy (Osbeckia octandra) can be used to improve fatty liver. Even if there are no symptoms until stage 3,  liver cirrhosis or stage 4 can be life-threatening. No matter how much money you spend, you may end up in a situation where you cannot save your life. Therefore, I invite you to get treatment from a qualified Ayurvedic doctor and cure this condition as soon as possible without ignoring the fact that there are no symptoms.

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