Frequent sexual dysfunction can be a symptom of another illness

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Frequent sexual dysfunction can be a symptom of another illness

Loss of male potency is a factor that can lead to breakdowns in the family unit. This is something that many people do not like to talk about openly, so in the end they have to face big problems. It is not uncommon to have less sexual power during normal behavior. Most men rarely have this condition due to stress. But if that happens more often, you should not hesitate to see a doctor.

Frequent sexual dysfunction can be a symptom of another illness. Otherwise, it may be due to a problematic situation in the relationship with the partner. Male genital erection is caused by the relaxation of the male genital muscles and the increase in blood flow to the penis.

Sexual dysfunction is caused by mental disorders and physical conditions that interfere with this process. Chronic diabetes, high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, heart diseases, and obesity are the leading causes of sexual dysfunction.  Sexual dysfunction can also be caused by hormonal problems in the body (especially low testosterone levels and thyroid dysfunctions). Testicular conditions such as hydrocele, varicocele, prostate inflammation, and kidney diseases are also common causes of sexual dysfunction.  Sexual dysfunction can also be caused by aging, sleep disorders, smoking, alcohol and drug addiction, and certain medications. Stress, depression, and interpersonal problems can all contribute to this condition. Sexual dysfunction can also be caused by pelvic injuries as well as pelvic surgeries. Diseases such as Parkinson’s and multiple sclerosis also cause physical disabilities as well as sexual dysfunction. 

According to Ayurveda, treatments depend on the cause of the disease.  The combination of medications as well as counseling is very effective for this. The patient’s health history, sex history, and certain physical examinations are required to diagnose and treat the condition. In some cases, an ultrasound scan of the penis may be needed to diagnose problems with the blood supply to the penis. However, Vajikarana Tantra in Ashtanga Ayurveda mentions the most successful remedies for this condition, both internally and externally. Also, in some cases, this condition can be treated very simply by adjusting the anomalies in the airway associated with the pelvis which is called Apana Vata in Ayurveda. Chinese acupuncture can also cure this quickly.

Not only medication but also exercise is essential here. Practicing Mula Bandha in Yoga Darshana is very effective in erectile dysfunctions. This is an exercise similar to kegal exercise. Also, 20 minutes of aerobic exercise per day (for example, running, swimming, cycling) is advised. Medication, exercise as well as dietary care can be very helpful in getting rid of this condition. A person with this condition should regularly eat foods that can affect testosterone levels in the blood. For example, protein rich foods and zinc rich foods are important here. Foods such as milk, egg beans, soybeans, seafood, meats, grains, and peanuts, as well as Ashvagandha which is an aphrodisiac medicine in Ayurveda, and ginseng, are foods that help maintain optimal testosterone levels. Also, regular intake of antioxidant rich foods, foods rich in vitamin C, vitamin E, avacado, nitric oxide containing watermelon, beetroot, eggs and local spices, local rice and velpenela, asparagus as foods that increase blood circulation to the genital area. It helps to prevent the onset of the condition and to speed up the recovery of the sufferer.

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