No more back pain with Ayurveda

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No more back pain with Ayurveda

Back pain is one of the leading causes of illness for many people, which can lead to poor performance, disruption of work, frequent medical attention, and eventually disability. Different people have different causes of back pain. This condition is especially prevalent in women who do all housework, such as cashiers and those who work standing long hours. Back pain is caused by long-term wear of high heels, such as not following the correct postures, sleeping on bumpy mattresses with no even surface, spinal conditions such as scoliosis, unwanted calcium deposits (osteophytes)  in the spine and lifting weights from the wrong postures can also be a factor. In addition to the above, back pain can also be a symptom of urinary tract infections, urinary or kidney stones and uterine related conditions.

As a person ages, body parts begin to move to the digestive stage (Jeerna Avadiya), so aging is a risk factor for back pain. As we age, the risk of Vata Dosha aggravation in the natural body increases the risk. In addition, lack of exercise, improper exercise, obesity, arthritis, and cancer are also risk factors for back pain. Other factors that have gone unnoticed by the public increase the risk of back pain. That is, mental illnesses such as stress, depression, and long-term smoking. People with chronic stress develop back pain without any other physical impairment, and long-term smoking causes back pain by disrupting the blood supply to the spinal cord.

Although it is common practice for the public to seek temporary relief from back pain by applying oil or balm, this is not a difficult task to prevent or cure.

According to the Ayurvedic philosophy, “Sankshepathah Kriya Yogo Nidanam Parivajanam” states that the prevention of the cause of the disease is the treatment itself. Therefore, if a person suffers from back pain, he should first understand the cause of the back pain and prevent it. For example, if you are suffering from the disease due to incorrect postures, you should start practicing correct postures. If you wear high heels, you should remove them whenever possible and make it a habit of wearing flat shoes. Also, weight control, exercise, and smoking cessation can help prevent the disease.

However, even when using different ointments, if the back pain persists for more than 2 weeks, it is essential to consult a doctor. Back pain caused by muscle spasms should heal at rest. But if it does not heal at rest, it is advisable to seek the help of a doctor. In addition, it is important to consult a physician if the pain radiates to one or both legs, if the person suffers from weakness of the legs and body, numbness of the feet, or any other medical condition at the same time having back pain. It is also important to see a doctor when there is a decrease in the amount or frequency of urination, burning urination, and fever with back pain.

In treating this, it is essential to understand the condition of the patient’s spine and associated muscles. Therefore, after consulting a doctor, the doctor will perform physical and local examinations on the patient (Eg SLRT, Bragard’s test).  These tests allow the doctor to determine if there is a nerve compression in the patient’s spine. There are cases where radiation tests such as X-ray, MRI or CT scan are needed to further confirm the patient’s condition. After understanding the patient’s condition, the doctor will prescribe internal medications and external treatments like Kati Vasthi, Abhyanga, and Sweda Karma to pacify Vata Dosha. Here the patient is relieved of the pain and begins to recover very quickly by these treatments. The quality of Ayurvedic medicines is so great that Ayurveda prescribes special oils, ointments, and pastes to dissolve unwanted calcium, to loosen muscles and spine, and to re-fix them properly after loosening. Therefore, Ayurvedic treatments have the potential to successfully cure even the conditions such as scoliosis without surgery.

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