Diabetes – The Silent Killer

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Diabetes – The Silent Killer

The busy lifestyles of the people have made them forgotten about the basic requirements to maintain a good health. Therefore, nowadays people are affected with several ailments and they have had to consume large amount of medicine. Diabetes has been recognized as the most dangerous non communicable disease which is faced by the mankind and considered as the “Mother-disease” of all other ailments.

The global diabetes prevalence in 2019 is estimated to be 9.3% (463 million people), rising to 10.2% (578 million) by 2030. Diabetes prevalence in Sri Lanka was reported at 10.7 % in 2019. Once in every 21 seconds a new diabetic patient is recognized somewhere in the world. So, 4320 peoples are recognized newly as diabetic patients daily. In each minute six people die due to diabetes. So, 3,200,000 people die per year and more than one million people lose their limbs due to this dangerous disease.

Diabetes or “Madhumeha” which is called in Ayurveda, is a group of metabolic diseases marked by high level of blood glucose levels resulting due to defects of insulin production,insulin action or both. Though the exact reason is unknown, genetic predisposition, physical inactivity, prolong excessive intake of sweet and fast food, being overweight, stress seem to be contributing factors. Ayurveda attributes multi-factorial etiology to the causation of diabetes and described as one among the eight major diseases (asthamaharoga), which are difficult to cure and refractory in nature. However, during the premonitory stage, accumulation of dirty matters in the teeth, burning or pins & needles sensation over the hands and feet, glossiness over the surface of the body, unusual thirst specially at night and sweet taste and dryness in the mouth, matting of hair, lassitude, changes in urine and frequent drowsiness can be noticed. Frequent urination specially at night, frequent hunger, excessive thirst, fatigability, loss of weight without any reason, are few signs of having diabetes.

There is no specific age limit for this silent killer as even the children are affected. This is not a curable disease but manageable with proper treatments, dietary changes, and exercises. The problem is that the diabetes causes not only the high levels of glucose in blood, but it causes so many complications like heart diseases, stroke, renal failure, glaucoma, peripheral neuropathy etc.

Ayurveda emphasizes on the riddance of the etiological factors as the main principle therapeutic opinion along with use of herbal and herbo-mineral preparations. Ayurveda always emphasizes the importance of food for disease prevention. The Balanced diet is recommended and should be composed of fiber rich food. Cereals like traditional rice, Barley (Hordeum vulgare), Kodrava (grain variety–Paspolum scrobiculatum) , Pulses, Adhaki(red gram-Cajamus cajan), Kollu (horse gram) , Mudga/Mun (green gram) taken with bitter and astringent leafy vegetables (Thebu, Kowakka) are recommended.

Bitter vegetables like bitter gourd, Methica (Methi- Fenugreek leaves), Fruits like star fruit, Orange, Watermelon, Nelli (Emblica officinalis), Papaw etc. are recommended. Diet is prescribed according to the age, body constitution of the patient, season, and environmental conditions. Practicing traditional dietary patterns is helpful. It is also important to avoid skipping meals.

Consuming alcohol and smoking should be avoided and daily exercises for at least 20 minutes or practicing yoga is recommended. Diabetic patients should undergo frequent screening to maintain their blood sugar levels to avoid further organ damage.

Following ayurvedic daily regimens and dietary regimens helps people to have a healthy life. Ayurveda is not only a medical system, but a philosophy of life. All the food, drinks, and medicine mentioned in Ayurveda is completely natural and do not cause any side effects. Ayurvedic treatments for every disease are personalized i.e. varied person to person according to their body constitution even for the same ailment. The importance of Ayurveda for Diabetes is its prevention ability in the risk population. The natural ingredients & food patterns in Ayurveda, help to maintain a Healthy, balanced life free of non-communicable diseases like Diabetes.

Dr Sachini Aththanayaka BAMS (Hons), Adv. Dip. In Natural Beauty Therapy

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